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And healthcare is a human right. Period.

The decision to get an abortion in our country is very difficult, and those who choose to undergo the procedure do so for a variety of valid reasons. As our radically conservative Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, restricts access abortion for millions, and robs us of autonomy over our bodies and reproductive care, we have to stand up forour right to make these decisions, however difficult they may be.


One in four women in the United States have made the decision to have an abortion, and I am one of them. When elected, I’ll take that lived experience—and the experiences of all those whose access to reproductive care is in jeopardy—to the Halls of Congress. I’m fighting for a single-payer, Medicare for All system that would cover comprehensive reproductive care for everyone in the US, free-at-the-point-of-service, with no hidden fees, deductibles or premiums, from cradle to grave, no questions asked. But the struggle for reproductive freedom and justice doesn’t end there. I’ll also fight tirelessly until we finally repeal the Hyde Amendment and codify Roe v. Wade into law. 


From abolishing the broken filibuster to expanding the Supreme Court, we have the ability with our majorities to accomplish all this and more. What we’re lacking is the courage and willpower from our status quo political leaders necessary to get the job done, but we deserve more.



As difficult as the decision to have an abortion can be, it can be even more difficult to share those stories, but I believe it can be incredibly impactful for us to do so if and when we can. That’s why I’ve shared my own story publicly on the campaign trail—just like I’ve shared my lived experiences of losing my daughter, Shalynne, to our broken, profit-driven healthcare system, being evicted and unhoused with my children as a single mom, and the fear and uncertainty that comes with being an active duty military family through a decade of endless foreign wars.

Amy Abortion Story.

In 2006, as a single mother with three young children, I found myself in a very abusive relationship. As I planned to move away from a dangerous situation, I found out I was pregnant. I spent the following week in shock and grief. The tears flowed as I went over every possible scenario, trying to find a way that I could continue with the pregnancy. I grappled with the history of being taught that abortion was murder—something I know many women will relate to. I considered adoption, but the father threatened to take the child. I considered continuing with the pregnancy, but that would’ve meant maintaining contact with a violent man for the foreseeable future. I also went over my personal budget and came to the conclusion that I simply could not afford another child. I was already struggling to afford to feed my children healthy meals, and there was no viable solution that would allow me to carry this pregnancy to term. I knew I had to have an abortion.


When I arrived at Planned Parenthood, there were protestors lining the street. I was terrified. I sat in my car and cried at the prospect of having to wade through them in order to get the care I needed. It had already been heartbreaking enough to arrive at my decision, and now I had to endure the harassment and shame that these protestors hurl at women who find themselves in my situation. I trembled and cried as I hurried past them into the clinic. Once inside, I saw the other women who were there—most of whom were as visibly saddened, worried, and scared as I was.


Despite having access to this critical care, I was still forced to view an ultrasound of the fetus in my womb before I was able to have my procedure. I remember laying there awake, repeating ‘I am so sorry,’ as the doctor performed my abortion. There was very little aftercare for women at that time, and I was forced to suffer in silence due to the shame that society forced upon me and women like me.


That day was difficult, but it was necessary. There’s no telling where I would be today if I was forced to carry that pregnancy to term. Now, the Supreme Court is trying to rip away the right of every woman in America to choose her future. Abortion is reproductive care. Reproductive care is healthcare. And healthcare is a human right. 


I know that lives are at stake for women across the country and in NV-01, and when elected, I’ll fight like hell to codify Roe v. Wade and pass the Women’s Health Protection Act. 


We are all in this together. 

06/06/2022 | BY AMY VILELA

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